Friday, 23 May 2014

Friday Family Gathering

Every Friday we have a family gathering were all our family gather at our home to have lunch, after that we have fresh fruit with dessert. This is the way how we catch-up, watch TV and chat together.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Late lunch after long day....

After a long day at the college working on our group project, my friend and I decided to have lunch at Elevation Burger in Sheikh Zayed Road.We had ordered a cheese burger with fries and coca cola.
The food was absolutely DELICIOUS!
You can check their website:

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Coca Cola Hello Happiniess

Coca Cola company want to draw a smile on the faces of the labors in UAE through a very creative way. They have created machines called the Hello Happiness Phone Booth where those phone booths accepts coca cola bottle caps to have a 3 minutes free international phone call so they connect with their family members from their countries  instead of using money.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Saudi man create a way to help poor people

A Saudi man have created a way to help poor people by putting a refrigerator in front of his house. In addition, he have announced that anyone can  contribute and help to put food in the refrigerator if they have extra food or wanted to help poor people to eat. I found this is a great way  to help poor people and creative by keeping the food fresh and available 24/7 for them if they wanted food in the same time it is a good thing to do for those people.